Pros & Cons of Moving to Pittsburgh, PA

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Ashley Schultz

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Maybe you have been considering moving to Pittsburgh, but you aren’t very familiar with the area. Sure, you can find a lot of helpful information online, but sometimes it helps to have it all condensed down into one article. So, I give to you a concise list of some of the pros and cons of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!


I prefer to start with bad news first, so let’s get it out of the way. Every city is going to have some good and bad to it, but it is helpful to be aware of these things when making a decision if moving to Pittsburgh or living in Pittsburgh is the right move for you.

  1. THE WEATHER – I can’t sugarcoat this one – we don’t have the best weather in Pittsburgh. We can have some brutal cold winters and can see a decent amount of snowfall at times. We also have more cloudy days than sunny days unfortunately. And summers tend to be hot & humid. I would argue though that we have some of the best Fall weather.
  2. TRAFFIC – Most ways to enter the downtown Pittsburgh area involve driving through a tunnel or multiple sudden lane changes to get where you need to do. This inevitably leads to a LOT of traffic congestion during rush hours. When someone reaches out to me about wanting to move to Pittsburgh, discussing the potential commute is one of the first things I recommend that they consider because of this. I personally used to sit in 45 minutes of traffic to drive what would normally only take 5, and it can be soul-sucking!
  3. AIR QUALITY – Pittsburgh has a history of air pollution, which could be a potential issue or concern for people who have respiratory issues. According to, the main causes are from industrial, transportation, and residential.
  4. LIMITED NIGHTLIFE – Pittsburgh is known for a lot of great restaurants and bars, but it is still lacking in comparison to other cities in terms of nightlife activities.
  5. CRIME – Pittsburgh does have a higher crime rate unfortunately. It varies depending on area and neighborhood, but it something that someone moving to the area should research and consider.


Okay, now on to the good stuff! Being a Pittsburgh-transplant myself, I can assure you that there is a lot to love about this city when you decide to move here. But for now, let’s hit on the biggest pros of moving to or living in Pittsburgh:

  1. COST OF LIVING – When comparing to other major cities, Pittsburgh has a lower cost of living than most. This makes it a good option for those on a tighter budget that still want to be able to enjoy what all the city has to offer while living there, too.
  2. JOB MARKET – I think a lot of people would be surprised to find out that Pittsburgh has a really great & growing economy! There are a lot of businesses and companies doing big things here that makes the job market diverse & strong. Some of these industries include tech, healthcare, education, and finance.
  3. CULTURAL ACTIVITIES – One thing that Pittsburgh does not lack is culture. There are so many museums, theaters, galleries, and music venues – truly something for everyone! (For some ideas of what to check out on an upcoming visit, check out these videos: 5 Things to Do/See While in Pittsburgh & 5 MORE Things to Do/See While in Pittsburgh)
  4. SPORTS – If Pittsburgh is known for one things, it is our sports. I mean, just take a look at that awesome view from the baseball stadium up there! And you can’t go anywhere without finding someone who is a part of Steeler Nation. Pittsburgh is nothing if not passionate about sports!
  5. THE PEOPLE – “Pittsburghers” truly are friendly and welcoming. A lot of people who visit the city or move here will tell you the same. While Pittsburgh is a city, it gives the vibe of a small town community more than a big city.

If you’re looking to move to Pittsburgh, I love helping set down their roots in our awesome city. Feel free to reach out to me HERE and schedule a discovery call to see how I can help!

If you’re a Pittsburgh native or have moved to Pittsburgh, what do you think? Share any pros or cons that I missed in the comments!

Visit my website for additional home buyer or home seller resources by clicking HERE.

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