5 Ways to Love Your Home More Right Now

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Ashley Schultz

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No joke, our days are BUSY. If you’re anything like me, your day consists of getting the kids where they need to be, getting as much work done in between, making dinner & getting the kids bathed and into bed, and THEN, maybe I can squeeze in a few minutes to myself to relax.

Despite how hectic and busy our schedules may be, don’t miss the everyday opportunity to love your home in the midst of the chaos! Here are 5 simple & easy ideas to help you love your home more today.

No. 1 – Add a new piece of furniture to a room that feels like it is missing something.

A super easy way to do this would be to just swap out furniture from one room to another to make it feel new in the space. Do you need a comfy chair for reading, a bookshelf to hold all of the books scattered around, or maybe some new plants to add life to the space? Fill in the pieces that you feel are missing to help you love your home more.

No. 2 – Go all out for dinner.

Every night you can choose to make dinner feel more like you are entertaining and less like the mundane. Plate your meals, use your serving dishes that only come out for holidays, set the table, and maybe light a candle & play some chill background music. Really enjoy that time to sit down, especially if it’s with your family, and take your time eating before rushing off to the next nightly task that you have to do.

No. 3 – Pick one space to refresh.

When I say refresh, I don’t necessarily mean a full renovation of a room. Think simple updates you can easily do. A fresh coat of paint, re-arranging furniture, adding a new lap or light fixture, updating the throw rug, or adding some new artwork. Sometimes it can be fun to take a photo from your camera roll that you took during a recent vacation and get it printed & framed to hang in your space!

No. 4 – Make setting the scene a routine.

Take the time to do any of the little things that help you set some ambiance to help you love your home. Light a candle while you’re watching your fave TV show before bed. Diffuse your favorite essential oil – maybe lavender in your bedroom before heading in for the night. Hang eucalyptus in your shower. Turn on your favorite music while you’re doing the less-fun tasks, like dishes or cleaning. Bring good vibes to whatever it is you’re doing at home!

No. 5 – A clean home = a happier homeowner.

Full disclosure – my house is rarely clean having two young kids at home. However, even if it’s just picking up the day’s clutter and wiping down the counters, I really do feel better afterwards. Take a look around and determine what your home needs – quick clean or deep clean. Turn on your favorite Spotify playlist and get to work. When you’re all done light a candle, pour yourself a nice glass of wine, sit in your favorite spot, and take some time to unwind.

The goal with these simple tips is really just to help you notice and love your home a little more during your daily routines. Really soak in all there is to love about your home and remind yourself why you love it so much. We spend so much time these days just running in & out of our homes and getting bogged down with the same routines, but if you can implement some of these tips, it may be the little mood boost that you need for the day.

Let me know if you tried any of these in the comments and if they were helpful for you!

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Despite how hectic and busy our schedules may be, don’t miss the everyday opportunity to love your home in the midst of the chaos.

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